In 2019, Creative Generation began as a research initiative exploring the language describing outcomes of arts and cultural education, inspired by young creatives leading efforts of social change. Through this research, the vernacular of the “creative generation” has been developed and a body of knowledge on the pedagogies, organizational practices, public policies, and leadership pathways has been cultivated to support more inclusive and progressive systems and activities at the intersection of culture, education, and social change.



The Creative Generation – or Gen C for short – is a term taken from consumer marketing, used to describe an intergenerational group of people share common creative capabilities: 

  • creative thinking, 

  • cultural consciousness, 

  • connectivity, and 

  • citizenship or concern for community. 

The young creatives within the Creative Generation employ their creativity to catalyze social change towards the goals of thriving communities and a more just world. 


Adopting a capabilities approach, pioneered by Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen, we have defined these capabilities of the Creative Generation below:

  • Creative Thinking: the ability to identify challenges, and employ creativity to envision solutions;

  • Cultural Consciousness: the process of understanding of one’s own cultural identity and a developing a respect for, and often participation within, other diverse cultures;

  • Connectivity: a commitment to remaining engaged with peer or social groups regardless of time or location; and 

  • Citizenship or Concern for Community: acting as a servant leader, regardless of means, to strengthen the communities to which one belongs.


The end result of this work by young creatives is often referred to as “social change,” however, we sought to redefine the efforts especially through the use of applied creativity.

Social transformation refers to the process of change in institutionalized relationships, norms, values, and hierarchies over time. It is the manner by which individuals, communities, and societies changes due to active efforts of reform from within.

Creative Social Transformation refers the active efforts of reform grounded in creativity.